Despite the fact that this is monophonic, that means it can be great for leads OR bass patches. I 100% recommend this piece of equipment as a first analog synth. Sub oscillator is more for an overtone than it is a full note, but with some modding it can be made to sound fatter Cannot determine how far the pitch wheel bends, only goes a whole tone Mod via cables (not available on MiniBrute either) Sub oscillator can do fifths (this isn't even on the MiniBrute!) The fact that it is a modular synth, has MIDI capability, can be used as a MIDI controller, has a mod and pitch wheel, and has 3 independent oscillators with a sub-oscillator that does overtones, all for around $260, is quite the deal, especially because you do get that 100% analog sound that is so desirable. I have had the pleasure of owning both a MiniBrute and a Microbrute, though I have to say I ended up keeping the MicroBrute for my purposes.Īlthough it is missing some features of its bigger brother, it is still an outstanding and mind blowing piece of equipment. A cost effective and more portable MiniBrute